The Mohan Yadav-led Madhya Pradesh authorities on Friday held a vacation spot Cupboard assembly in Maheshwar. Following the assembly, Chief Minister Yadav addressed the media and knowledgeable them that liquor outlets in 17 non secular websites can be closed as quickly as the brand new excise coverage is applied. The MP Cupboard has accredited the ban right this moment. CM Yadav additionally paid homage to Ahilyabai Holkar on her three hundredth start anniversary.
Madhya Pradesh Cupboard approves liquor ban
CM Mohan Yadav on Thursday introduced a liquor ban in 17 non secular websites of the state. “Every kind of liquor, be it desi or videshi, can be banned completely within the 17 non secular cities and cities of our state,” the CM mentioned. The Cupboard has accredited the choice right this moment, and the ban can be applied quickly.
The CM mentioned liquor can be banned wherever Lord Krishna and Lord Ram have set their foot in Madhya Pradesh.
CM Mohan Yadav pays homage to Devi Ahilyabai Holkar
“On the three hundredth start anniversary of Lokmata Rani Ahilyabai Holkar ji in Maheshwar, together with the members of the Council of Ministers, visited the royal throne within the historic fort and paid homage to the statue of Lokmata ji by providing flowers. Lokmata’s incomparable contribution to the cultural consciousness of India, the development and renovation of monasteries and temples, will all the time be remembered,” CM Yadav mentioned in a press release.
Together with the cupboard assembly, CM Yadav additionally carried out puja-archana of Maa Narmada at Maheshwar Ghat and offerred floral tribute to the statue of Lokmata Devi Ahilyabai on her start anniversary. “As we speak, we together with all of the ministers got here to recollect her on the financial institution of river Narmada right here and we’ll enter a brand new period of fine governance. I keep in mind her virtues and hope to obtain her blessings,” the CM mentioned.