The Yogi authorities in Uttar Pradesh on Thursday transferred 46 IAS officers aiming to enhance administrative works. Deepak Kumar was relieved from the cost of Further Chief Secretary, Residence, Visa, Passport, Vigilance Division, authorities of Uttar Pradesh. He was given further cost of the publish of Principal Secretary, Fundamental Training Division, authorities of Uttar Pradesh.
L Venkateshwarlu was given further cost of the publish of Principal Secretary, Social Welfare and Sainik Welfare Division, authorities of Uttar Pradesh, Tribal Improvement, Uttar Pradesh, Managing Director, UP CIDCO, Director, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Analysis and Coaching Institute and Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Analysis and Coaching Institute, alongside along with his present publish.
Rajesh Kumar Singh was made Principal Secretary, Residence Guard. BL Meena was relieved from the cost of Principal Secretary, Residence Guard, however he’ll proceed to be Principal Secretary, Horticulture, Silk, Meals Processing and can proceed to be Principal Secretary, Residence Guard Division.
Alok Kumar was relieved from the cost of Principal Secretary, Handloom and Textile Business, Khadi and Village Industries, Public Enterprises, Technical Training, Vocational Training, Ability Improvement and Entrepreneurship Division, authorities of Uttar Pradesh and Director Normal, Public Enterprises, Uttar Pradesh and was given further cost of the publish of Principal Secretary, Infrastructure and Industrial Improvement Division, authorities of Uttar Pradesh.
Narendra Bhushan Pramukh Relieved from the cost of Secretary Panchayati Raj Division, Uttar Pradesh authorities and given cost of the publish of Principal Secretary Mental Training Division, Uttar Pradesh authorities.
Veena Kumari Meena relieved from the cost of Principal Secretary AYUSH Division, Uttar Pradesh authorities. Sanjay Prasad given further cost of the publish of Principal Secretary Residence Secrecy, Visa Passport Vigilance Division, Uttar Pradesh authorities together with the present publish. Anil Garg was relieved from the division of State Nodal Officer Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana and given cost of Principal Secretary Irrigation and Water Sources, Land Improvement, Jail Administration and Reforms Providers, Uttar Pradesh authorities. He’ll proceed as Chairman Pack State Nodal Officer Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana and Managing Director Uttar Pradesh Land Reforms Company