Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has attacked Samajwadi Get together (SP) chief and former CM Akhilesh Yadav for his latest statements on Mahakumbh on the ‘Pranaam India’ particular present in Prayagraj. On Akhilesh Yadav’s allegation that the variety of pilgrims at Mahakumbh was being exaggerated, Yogi replied to India TV Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Rajat Sharma, “Pratkshyam Kim Pramanam? (The place is the necessity for proof in the event you see it with your individual eyes?). We used Synthetic Intelligence and the newest expertise to measure the proper quantity with none exterior interference. On the primary two days, 1.25 to 1.5 crore individuals got here to Mahakumbh, and at current, 30-40 lakh pilgrims are taking a holy dip every day.”
On the opposition’s cost that greater than Rs 7,500 crore was spent on the Mahakumbh, the Chief Minister replied: “Tourism fuels financial development. To deal with the massive inflow of pilgrims, we needed to make preparations for roads, a railway station, an airport, tents, and all different services. Almost 20 lakh persons are taking a holy dip on the ghats each day. By spending Rs 7,500 crore, we anticipate an enormous enhance of Rs 2 lakh crore to the economic system of Uttar Pradesh.”
Yogi in contrast the current MahaKumbh with the Kumbh Mela organised in 2013 by Samajwadi Get together minister Azam Khan. “At the moment, 41 individuals misplaced their lives; the Prime Minister of Mauritius was a lot disgusted on seeing the filth in Ganga water that he prayed with folded arms from a distance, refused to take a holy dip, and left. The Samajwadi Get together ought to preserve its ‘success story’ in its dwelling.”
No person who involves Mahakumbh is ever requested about his caste or neighborhood: Yogi
On whether or not entry of Muslims has been banned in Mahakumbh, Yogi replied, “No person who involves Mahakumbh is ever requested about his caste or neighborhood. Anyone can come. But when anyone tries to disrespect Indian religion, then we are going to apply the ‘jaise ko taisa’ (tit-for-tat) method”.