Mamta Kulkarni, a well-liked title in Bollywood throughout the ’90s period, has now change into a Sadhvi after she formally took a ‘sanyaas’. She has additionally reached Mahakumbh Mela the place she met Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Dr Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi at Kinnar Akhara. She was seen carrying a Rudraksh garland round her neck and a saffron bag hanging on her shoulder. A video of Mamta is doing rounds on social media whereby she could be seen carrying the saffron-coloured outfit, identical to a Hindu monk. After changing into
Take a look at the viral video:
She said that coming to Mahakumbh and seeing the grandeur of the event is a very memorable moment for her. Mamta also said that she feels fortunate to witness the sacred Mahakumbh. “I decided to join Kinnar Akhara, which was guided by our Guru Mahamandaleshwar Swami Parvati Nand Giri, as it was committed to propagate Sanatan Dharma across the world,” Times of India reported quoting the newly appointed Mahamandaleshwar of Kinnar Akhara Mai Mamtanand Giri.
She also said that she learned a lot from Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Swami Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi Maharaj of Kinnar Akhara in six years.