Mumbai Police is working relentlessly on the Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan‘s stabbing case. The accused named Shariful Islam Shehzad, who was arrested on Sunday admitted to his crime and has been despatched to 5-day police custody. Now within the newest growth in Saif’s case, Mumbai police have recovered the piece of knife thrown by accused Mohammad Shariful close to Bandra Lake. It’s vital to notice that Saif was discharged from Lilavati Hospital on January 21.
Police recovered one other a part of the knife that was used to assault the actor
Police seized the third piece of the knife after the Panchnama motion. The accused had thrown a bit of knife used within the assault on Saif Ali Khan in a trench close to Bandra Lake. At present, the police staff took the accused to the Bandra Lake space. The police staff stayed on the identical place with the accused for about one and a half hours throughout which they recovered the misplaced a part of the knife. The investigation of the case is ongoing on and amid this, police have additionally discovered Shariful Islam Shehzad’s fingerprints at Saif’s Bandra home.
Fingerprints discovered at Saif’s home
A lot of the accused’s fingerprints have been found in actor Saif Ali Khan’s residence. In keeping with the Mumbai Police, they are going to be essential to the investigation. These fingerprints have been found on the constructing’s stairs, the home’s rest room door, and the door deal with of his son Jeh’s room. Earlier than getting into Saif Ali Khan’s constructing, the accused tried to enter three different properties, however was unsuccessful, in accordance with the police.
Saif Ali Khan’s well being
The actor has been discharged from Lilavati Hospital on January 21. He was admitted on January 16, at 3:00 am after he was stabbed a number of instances by the accused named Shariful Islam Shehzad, who’s reportedly a Bangladeshi citizen. In keeping with Mumbai Police, he entered India by way of Meghalaya, stayed in West Bengal for some time and later moved to Mumbai.
Additionally Learn: Saif Ali Khan meets, hugs auto driver who took him to hospital, mother Sharmila Tagore reacts