A 3-year-old lady was raped allegedly in the home of her neighbour in Banda district of Uttar Pradesh, stated the police, including that the lady, who witnessed the crime, and her accused good friend have been arrested.
“Our little one was enjoying outdoors. She was lured by the use of candies, chips after which she was raped. When she returned residence, she pointed to her groin and stated it is hurting. She was closely bleeding,” stated the sufferer’s mom.
The mom added that they rushed to a police station, and the cops then took them to a hospital.
“Primarily based on the lady’s criticism, a case has been filed in opposition to their neighbour, her male good friend. The 2 have been arrested,” stated a senior police officer.
The lady is present process therapy on the hospital and is claimed to be secure.
(With inputs from Maneesh Mishra)