Aamir Khan, who’s presently on a hiatus from movies, on Friday revealed that he has give up smoking after years of heavy consumption. The Taare Zameen Par actor was current on the trailer launch of his son Junaid’s movie Loveyapa in Mumbai the place he revealed the actual purpose behind taking such a well being concern determination.
”I’ve given up smoking, smoking is one thing I really like very a lot and it is one thing l get pleasure from, kya bolun sach baat hai yeh, jhoot toh bol nahi skta (what can I say, it is the reality, I am unable to lie) Itte saalo se fundamental cigarette pee rha tha…tobacco is one thing I get pleasure from, it isn’t good for well being, kisi ko nahi krna chhaiye (Tobacco is one thing I get pleasure from, however it’s not good for well being, nobody ought to do it),” he mentioned.
Aamir urges to give up smoking
Urging individuals to give up smoking and to not smoke first hand, he added, ”I’m very comfortable to say that I’ve give up this dangerous behavior, and since lots of people are listening and watching, I might additionally like to inform them, please give up this, it isn’t a superb behavior, it should not be performed.”
Real reason behind quitting smoking
Also, he shared that he chose to quit smoking at a time when his son is all set to establish his career in the film industry. “Also, my son’s film is about to come. I felt it was the right moment to quit, so l vowed not to smoke. Whether it works or not, as a father, I wanted to make this sacrifice,” Aamir emphasised.
Aamir’s revelation about quitting smoking evoked a loud cheer from the audience. Meanwhile, Junaid’s upcoming film Loveyapa also stars Khushi Kapoor in the lead role. The film is directed by Advait Chandan and is set to release on February 7 on the occasion of Valentine’s week.
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