In a significant success, the Uttar Pradesh Police nabbed the accused who shot at Circle Officer Anuj Chaudhary throughout the Sambhal violence. He has been arrested from Delhi’s Seelampur. The police stated that quickly after the violence on November 23, the accused recognized as Salim fled to Delhi.
In keeping with the data, Salim was making an attempt to give up in entrance of the courtroom in Sambhal however the police arrested him earlier than that. The police have additionally recovered a 12-bore pistol, 5 dwell cartridges and one used cartridge. As per the police, he looted 5 such pistols from the police throughout the violence. To date investigations reveal that Salim is a historysheeter. Together with his arrest, the police have arrested 51 accused within the Sambhal violence case.
(Reported by: Rohit)