Within the newest growth within the Sandhya Theatre stampede case, actor Allu Arjun has been granted common bail by Hyderabad’s Nampally court docket on Friday. As per the court docket’s order, two sureties of Rs 50,000 every must be given by the Pushpa 2 star. After being granted bail, Allu Arjun’s lawyer mentioned, ”Bail has been permitted, simply as there are typically situations on the time of bail, equally on this case additionally you’ll have to attend the police station (Chikkadpally) each Sunday. Quash petition is within the Excessive Courtroom on 21 January.”
On one hand, Allu Arjun has been basking within the success of the movie’s huge field workplace collections throughout the globe. Alternatively, the actor additionally fell sufferer to a authorized battle after a 39-year-old girl died in the course of the midnight premiere of the movie in Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre on December 4.
The actor was on a four-week interim bail and filed a petition for normal from the court docket. The police filed a counter in opposition to Allu Arjun’s bail plea, and each events introduced their views within the case on December 30, 2024.
Allu Arjun was summoned by the Hyderabad Police for questioning on December 24 final 12 months within the Sandhya Theatre stampede case. The police served discover to the actor to seem for questioning on Tuesday at 11 am in reference to the incident. After 3 hours of interrogation, the actor was requested to go away for his dwelling.
How it began?
A particular screening of Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna-starrer Pushpa 2: The Rule was held in Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre on December 4, 2024. Nevertheless, a stampede-like scenario occurred within the theatre earlier than Allu’s arrival, the place a 39-year-old girl named Revathi died and her 8-year-old bought severely injured. The actor was arrested on December 13 and spent an evening in jail. He was launched the subsequent morning on interim bail.
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